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律师函已经发出 3 年多了,novotel 既不申请仲裁又不法院起诉,难道是恐吓吗?

时间:2022-01-24 11:12:01    点击: 次    来源:原创    作者:九弟新媒 - 小 + 大

律师函已经发出 3 年多了,novotel 既不申请仲裁又不法院起诉,难道是恐吓吗?








Dear Sir,

We represent the French Company Accor, whose registered office is located at 82 rue Henri Farman, 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux, France.
Founded in 1967, Accor is today the world leader in economic and mid-scale hotels, and a major player in upscale and luxury hospitality services. Accor operates more than 4,100 hotels in 95 countries with over 570,000 rooms, under more than 20 different brands including RAFFLES, SOFITEL, ONEFINESTAY, FAIRMONT, MGALLERY, PULLMAN, SWISSOTEL, GRAND MERCURE, NOVOTEL, MAMA SHELTER, MERCURE and IBIS.

Accor owns numerous trademarks NOVOTEL around the world, which are very well-known especially in the field of hospitality services.

Our client has become aware of the registration of the domain name <> which reproduces entirely our client’s trademark NOVOTEL.

To the best of our knowledge, our client has never granted you any authorization to use its trademark NOVOTEL and to register the domain name <>.

Therefore, the registration of the said domain name appears to constitute free riding.

Consequently, and without prejudice to any damages that could be claimed, we request that you:
-    Transfer the said domain name to our client free of charge;
-    Undertake in writing, and on letterhead, not to use the trademark NOVOTEL under any form and inter alia as trademark, company name, business name, trade sign or domain name without prior written authorization.
Unless you comply with our requests in writing within the next 8 days, our client will take all necessary measures to put an end to this infringement, including legal proceedings.

We remain at the disposal of your legal advisor.

Yours faithfully,

Best regards | Mit freundlichen Grüßen | Bien cordialement
Nathalie Dreyfus

Dreyfus & associés  - Paris | Lyon | Strasbourg
Conseils en Propriété Industrielle - Intellectual Property Attorneys
78 avenue Raymond Poincaré - 75116 Paris – France
Tel. +33 (0)1 44 70 07 04 - Fax +33 (0)1 40 06 99 64
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下一篇:仲裁员不承认 novotel 的含义是 新通讯,novotel = novo+ tel ?

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